应广科技八核心平行处理单片机 (FPPA) 介绍,有什么优点?相信许多研发人员都有选择 MCU 的痛苦经验, 选这颗 MCU少个UART,选那颗Timer又不够,就算选好了MCU写软体才是真正痛苦

整理编辑:逐高电子技术开发部 / 日期:2024-11-28

FPPA 架构介绍
FPPA 产品特色
FPPA 暂存器说明
FPPA 软体规划
FPPA 指令介绍


八核心平行处理单片机 (FPPA) 介绍


相信许多研发人员都有选择 MCU 的痛苦经验, 选这颗 MCU 少个 UART,选那颗 Timer 又不够,就算选好了 MCU,写多功 (Muti-Task)的软体才是真正痛苦的开始.
应广科技(Padauk )八核心平行处理单片机Field Programmable Processor Array, 以下简称“FPPA”,利用八核心平行处理可一次解决软体“Muti-Task” ,“Timer” 和MCU 所需的各种周边的困扰.有八颗MCU 平行处理,不用再烦恼多工软体,有八颗MCU 平行处理等于有八个Timer,不用再烦恼Timer 不够,有八颗MCU 平行处理,拿几颗来写UART,I2C,SPI ,PWM 等周边就不用再烦恼介面不够.

FPPA 架构介绍



基本上应广科技(Padauk )的FPPA, inside 了8 颗RISC type 1T 的MCU, 除了每颗MCU 有自己的Flag ,PC counter, Stack pointer, Accumulator 外,其余的ROM,RAM,IO 等是共用的.故每一MCU 都可随时监控其他MCU 的状况.(MCU#0 还多了16bit 的timer & 中断管理可处理I/O中断和内部中断).
8 颗MCU 是平行处理,且每个I/O 都可设为input 或output 或pull-hi 或open-drain,故可用软体去控制I/O写各种周边介面, 如I2C, UART,PWM,SPI等非常有弹性(如MCU#0 写UART, MCU#1写I2C, MCU#2 写PWM 等,几乎没有限制.) 软体去作SOC 周边功能,故成本很有竞争力,和弹性,不会受限一般MCU 原厂所开的IC 规格.
除了 一般 MCU 的指令外, 还有 类似 FPGA 才有 I/O 指令,对 I/O 的处理特别精简和有效率.可取代部分的 PAL/GAL/FPAG 等逻辑合成电路.

产品特色 Features

内建 8 颗 RISC type 平行处理,多核心 CPU 矩阵 (Field Programmable Processor Array“FPPA”).
内建硬体的即时作业系统 (hardware RTOS).
97 个 1T RISC type 功能强大的指令. (不同系列,指令略有增减)
支援 C/Assembly language/Macro 程式语言.
可自由规划每一 MCU 的堆叠(stack pointer) 深度.
支援12bitx8ch ADC.
弹性方便的位元操作指令 (Bit-manipulation).
全部的资料记忆体都可用指标定址 (index pointer addressing).
可自由规划每一 MCU 的程式空间 ( OTP program memory).
每一 I/O 都可弹性定义为 input 或 output或 pull-hi或 open-drain.
内建高速/慢速 RC振荡器.
独家的 intra-FPP handshaking指令,每一 MCU 可控制其他 MCU 的程式指标 (program counter).
独家的内部中断,MCU#1 – MCU7 可发出中断需求,让 MCU#0当中断优先处理.
独家的 “wait0”, “wait1” 指令,对 IO 的处理特别精简和有效率.
独家的 “delay x” (x 0 – 255)指令,可直接 delay x 的 system clock.

内建硬体的即时作业系统 (hardware RTOS)

FPPA 最多可有8 颗MCU 同时平行处理, FPPA 有一“pmode”指令可调整每一MCU 的速度,FPPA 根据“pmode”由硬体强制去分配的每一MCU 的bandwidth 来完成类似软体RTOS 的功能(如下表),完全不用写软体的RTOS.

0 1/2 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
1 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
2 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
3 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8        
4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8      
5 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/16 1/16  
6 1/16 1/2 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
7 1/8 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8      

如下图为 pmode =2 , 平均每一 MCU 分配 1/8 system clock


下图为 pmode=0 ,FPP#0 = 1/2 system clock, FPP#1 = 1/4 system clock, FPP#2-FPP#7 = 1/16 system clock ,每个 FPP 的 cycle 如下



FPPA暂存器 (Registers) 说明

Name Address Function
flag    0x00       Arithmetic status flag 
fppen   0x01     FPP unit enable register
sp       0x02         Stack pointer 
clkmd   0x03 Clock mode register
inten   0x04    Interrupt enable register
intrq   0x05     Interrupt request register
t16m    0x06       Timer 16 mode register
gdio   0x07       General data register for IO
mulop 0x08  One operand for multiplication
mulrh   0x09         High byte result of multiplication (read only)
eoscr   0x0a      External oscillator setting register
ihrcrl  0x0b        Internal high RC oscillator control register low
Ihrcrh 0x0c        Internal high RC oscillator control register high
pa       0x10       Port A data register
pac      0x11         Port A control register
paph    0x12        Port A pull high register
paod     0x13        Port A open drain register
pb      0x14       Port B data register
pbc      0x15         Port B control register
pbph    0x16      Port B pull high register
pbod    0x17       Port B open drain register
pc       0x18       Port C data register
pcc     0x19       Port C control register
pcph     0x1a       Port C pull high register
pcod     0x1b       Port C open drain register
pd      0x1c         Port D data register
pdc     0x1d        Port D control register
pdph   0x1e       Port D pull high register
pdod    0x1f         Port D open drain register
pe      0x30      Port E data register
pec     0x31        Port E control register
peph   0x32         Port E pull high register
peod    0x33        Port E open drain register


PPA 共有33 个暂存器(不同系列暂存器略有不同),其中address 0x10 – 0x32 各为I/O Port A – Port E 的控制暂存器,故真正要注意的register 只有13 个,不像其他MCU,周边控制(如PWM,I2C,UART 等)的register 就好几拾个,故FPPA 很容易学习U. 13个register 中比较容易引起误解,或datasheet 描述不易理解的地方特别提出说明.

“sp” & “flag”: 由于 FPPA 有8颗 MCU,故每一 MCU 看到的 “sp” & “flag” 的值是不一样的值.

“fppen”: 由于 FPPA 有8颗 MCU,但并不是每个应用 8 颗 MCU 都要去 enable, 故可用 “fppen” register 去控制那些 MCU 需要 enable.
gdio”: register “gdio” 可以做下列二种应用
当warm-boot 或cool-boot的判断用:由于FPPA 开机或reset 时, “gdio” 的值不会去变更,故程式执行中可故意写入一个值给“gdio”,而在程式开始的地方去判断“gdio” 的值是否为程式执行中所写入的值即可判断MCU 是否是第一次开机或是reset 再开机.
让MCU & MCU 间的沟通更有效率:“wait0” 和“ wait1” 指令除了可对I/O 处理外, 也可对“gdio” 暂存器处理, (Ex.: “wait0 gdio.x”) , 例如在MCU#1 中把“gdio.x” 设为0 或1, MCU#2 用“wait0” 或“wait1”指令去做条件的判断亦可达到MCU#1 和MCU#2 之间的沟通.

FPPA 软体规划


如上图所示,和大多数的MCU 一样,FPPA 也有所谓“中断向量表”的概念,只是一般MCU 的中断向量是“中断副程式” 的进入位置,FPPA 的中断向量是各FPP 的进入位置.如上图中address 0h-7h 分别为FPP#0-7 的进入位置,address 0x10 才是“中断副程式” 的进入位置,故其程式写法如下



FPPA 指令介绍 (Instructions Set)

FPPA Instructions Set
Data Transfer Instructions (16)
Instruction Function
mov     a,I Move immediate data to ACC。
mov     M,a Move data from ACC to memory
mov     a,M Move data from memory to ACC
mov     a,IO Move data from IO to ACC
mov     IO,a Move data from ACC to IO
pushw   index Move the content of index to be the content of stack pointer
pushw   pcN Move the content of program counter of Nth FPP unit to be the content of stack pointer
popw    index Restore the content of stack pointer to be the content of index
popw    pcN Restore the content of stack pointer to be the content of program counter of the Nth FPP unit
ldtabh  index Load high byte data in OPT to ACC by using index as OPT address
ldtabl  index Load low byte data in OTP to ACC by using index as OTP address
ldt16   index Move 16-bit counting values in Timer16 to memory which is addressed by index
stt16   index Store 16-bit data from memory addressed by index to Timer16
idxm    a,index Move data from specified memory to ACC by indirect method
idxm    index,a Move data ACC to specified memory by indirect method
xch     M Exchange data between ACC and memory
Arithmetic Operation Instructin (20)
add     a,I Add immediate data with ACC, then put result in ACC
add     a,M Add data in memory with ACC, then put result in ACC
add     M,a Add data in memory with ACC, then put result in ACC
addc    a,M Add data in memory with ACC and carry bit, then put result in ACC
addc    M,a Add data in memory with ACC and carry bit, then put result in memory
addc    a Add carry with ACC, then put result in ACC
addc    M Add carry with memory, then put result in memory
nadd    a,M Add negative logic (2's complement) of ACC with memory
nadd    M,a Add negative logic (2's complement) of memory with ACC
sub     A,I Subtraction immediate data from ACC, then put result in ACC.
sub     a,M Subtraction data in memory from ACC, then put result in ACC.
sub     M,a Subtraction data in ACC from memory, then put result in memory
subc    a,M Subtraction data in memory and carry from ACC, then put result in ACC
subc    M,a Subtraction ACC and carry bit from memory, then put result in memory
subc    a Subtraction carry from ACC, then put result in ACC
subc    M Subtraction carry from the content of memory, then put result in memory
inc     M increment the content of memory
dec     M Decrement the content of memory
clear   M Clear the content of memory
mul  Multiplication operation. An 8x8 unsigned multiplication will be executed.
Shift Operation Instructions (11)
sr      a Shift right of ACC
src     a Shift right of ACC with carry
sr      M Shift right the content of memory
src     M Shift right of memory with carry
sl      a Shift left of ACC
slc     a shift left of ACC with carry
sl      M Shift left of memory
slc     M Shift left of memory with carry
swap    a Swap the high nibble and low nibble of ACC
swap    M Swap th high nibble and low nibble of memory
Logic Operation Instructions (16)
and     a,I Per logic AND on ACC and immediate data, then put result in ACC
and     A,M Per logic AND on ACC and memory, then put result in ACC
and     M,a Per logic AND on ACC and memory, then put result in memory
or      a,I Per logic OR on ACC and immediate data, then put result in ACC
or      a,M Per logic OR on ACC and memory, then put result in ACC
or      M,a Per logic OR on ACC and memory, then put result in memory
xor     a,I Per logic XOR on ACC and immediate data, then put result in ACC
xor     a,M Per logic XOR on ACC and memory, then put result in ACC
xor     M,a Per logic XOR on ACC and memory, then put result in memory
not     a Per 1's complement (logical complement) of ACC
not     Mry Per 1's complement (logical complement) of memo
neg     a Per 2's complement of ACC
neg     M Per 2's complement of memory
comp    a,I Compare ACC with immediate data
comp    a,M Compare ACC with the content of memory
comp    M,a Compare ACC with the content of memory
Operation Instructions (6)
set0    IO.n  Set bit n of IO port to low
set1    IO.n Set bit n of IO port to high
tog     IO.n Toggle bit state of bit n of IO port
set0    M.n Set bit n of memory to low
set1    M.n Set bit n of memory to high
swapc   IO.n Swap the n-th bit of IO port with carry bit
Conditonal Operation Instructions (13)
ceqsn   a,I Compare ACC with immediate data and skip next instruction if both are equal
ceqsn   a,M Compare ACC with memory and skip next instruction if both are equal
cesn    M,a Compare ACC with memory and skip next instruction if both are equal
t0sn    IO.n Check IO bit and skip next instruction if it's low
t1sn    IO.n Check IO bit and skip next instruction if it's high
t0sn    M,n Check memory bit and skip next instruction if it's low
t1sn    M,n Check memory bit and skip next instruction if it's high
izsn    a increment ACC and skip next instruction if ACC is zero
dzsn    a Decrement ACC and skip next instruction if ACC is zero
izsn    M Increment memory and skip next instruction if memory is zero
dzsn    M Decrement memory and skip next instruction if memory is zero
wait0   IO.n Go next instruction until bit n of IO power is low; otherwise, wait here
wait1   IO.n Go next instruction until bit n of IO power is high; otherwise, wait here


FPPA 共有97 个(不同系列,指令略有增减)1T RISC type 功能强大的指令.大部分的指令看datasheet 就知道其用法,不再多叙,这里只介绍比较容易引起误解,或datasheet 叙述不容易理解的地方特别提出说明

wait0,wait1: 只能针对I/O 或register “gdio”,但不能对记忆体, 其功能如流程图所示,一直要等到I/O 或gdio.x =0 或1 成立才往下继续执行,因传统的MCU,只有一颗MCU,故无法去实现这种指令,否则如果条件不成立,程式就一直停在那,形同“当机”.


delay :直接delay x 个system clock 才往下继续执行, 例如system clock = 8Mhz,pmode = 0,FPP#0 执行“delay 100” =100*1/4M = 25us,但FPPA#1执行“delay 100” = 100 * 1/1M = 100us.
pushw,popw: push & pop 程式指标

由于PFPA 是一颗8 核心的MCU,不同MCU 间可更改彼此的程式指标“pc”, 来达到强迫其他MCU 去执行某段程式的路径之目的,但要小心运用,否则容易破坏程式的结构.下例中的FPP#0 原本只会在LOOP_A无穷的回圈中打转, FPP#1 经由“pushw” 和“popw” 改变了FPP#0 的程式指标, 让FPP#0 变在LOOP_B无穷回圈中打转.




  • 台湾应广单片机官网
  • 应广单片机例程
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  • 应广单片机定时器
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  • 应广单片机IDE&仿真器
  • 应广单片机烧录器
  • 代码生成器

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